Coming to terms with past relationships.

4 min readDec 28, 2020

Lockdown thoughts: Thinking you lost someone you’ll never get back.

Photo by Lachlan Ross from Pexels

We’ve all been there. Lying in bed alone, wondering what would or could have been. Especially now, with many of us in lockdown, we have a lot of extra time to overthink past decisions. Often hoping that it will answer why our current state of affairs is the way that they are. Especially in our love life (I blame it on the loneliness we are facing).

Why are we single? Why haven’t we met the love of our lives yet? Or maybe we did meet them, but we let them go too soon?

The Right Timing

It’s no secret that people come into our lives when we least expect it. Often the timing just isn’t right. Are we now to believe that we have made a mistake to let these individuals go? I think not. As cheesy and as typical as it sounds, if it is meant to be, it will be. Who knows, maybe 20 years from now, we’ll rekindle that connection, and at that precise time, it will be the right timing.

Early on in my lockdown blues, I’ve been thinking of someone I parted ways with a few years ago. We have been staying connected, but nothing significant is really being said. Often just sharing funny memes that we know we’d both find funny or relatable. I am not sure if it was the loneliness brought on by the isolation, it…




Space of introspection. Delving into topics relevant to individuals coming to terms with the past, reshaping the present, and leaving the future for later.