Obsessed With New Beginnings!

3 min readFeb 23, 2022

Starting over and over again only to experience the same results.

Photo by Luis Dalvan from Pexels

Isn’t the definition of insanity to do something over and over again and expecting different results? I guess the real question is, does this apply to obsessions with new beginnings? What I mean by this is, the frequent desire to move to new cities, to date different men but the same time of men, or to switch jobs every 6–8months due to lack of inspiration. This is not to say that there is something wrong with change or even wanting a little adventure in your life but shouldn’t the outcome be drastically different. Because somehow I seem to be getting the same results. Circling back to the same type of jobs and relationships because maybe my subconscious likes what’s familiar? It almost feels like a year-long time loop that repeats at the end of the 360 day mark. And boy does it feel like insanity. You want to know the worst part? I have no idea where I’m going wrong.

It seems to me that most people are not exactly pressing backspace to begin again, rather are comfortable and complacent in where they are in life. Even if they are unhappy with everything in their life, their relationship, job, house, and city they live in.

So now am I the crazy one trying to fix my life over and over again, or are the people who are stagnant and unhappy with their lives? Because for the life of…




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